CDPAP updates will NOT get rid of the CDPAP program but will, in fact, protect the program by removing $1 billion in unnecessary administrative expenses and profit and redirecting savings to ensure uninterrupted care. Eligibility and ability to hire the personal assistant of your choice will not change.
This reform, enacted in the New York State 2024-25 budget is the product of a long debate about how best to ensure consumer directed services in New York.
Over a dozen states including Washington, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have implemented similar systems to ensure better management of consumer directed programs, while protecting services.
Out of control administration costs will be reined in through these reforms. Cost of CDPAP has gone up 23% each year from 2019. There are over 700 middlemen CDPAP agencies operating right now and many are paying their executives lavish $400,000 - $1 million salaries!
The updates will move from 700 unregulated “middlemen” agencies to 1 principal fiscal intermediary (FI), 4 regional partners, and up to 30 facilitators with proven track records, such as the Centers for Independent Living.
These updates will set the stage to implement improvements to the system, such as:
Creating a statewide caregiver registry to quickly match consumers & providers
Developing a Pre-Service Orientation to educate consumers and caregivers on CDPAP best practices and laws
Allowing all caregivers to join a union to prevent wage theft and ensure fair working conditions
Wage theft is a major problem in New York’s home care industry. A single FI will improve accountability and allow caregivers to get answers when their paychecks are not accurate.
Governor Hochul has selected the primary Fiscal Intermediary (FI) for CDPAP to be Public Partnerships LLC (PPL). The core regional partners will be the Chinese American Planning Council, Concepts of Independence, Consumer Directed Choices and Angels in Your Home.
The updates are expected to be fully implemented by April 2025.