“We are thrilled to be part of the team of FIs that will carry CDPAP forward for years to come. PPL and the strategic partner alliance of FIs understand the importance of this program for our most vulnerable citizens, and we are determined to make the transition seamless.”

CEO Anthony Caputo
Concepts of Independence

How Will This Be Implemented? 

The updates to CDPAP will take time to implement to ensure critical home care services are not interrupted for consumers and caregivers. Learning important lessons from implementation in Washington, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and 9 other states, New York will put consumers and caregivers first. 

  1. Governor Hochul has selected the primary Fiscal Intermediary (FI) for CDPAP to be Public Partnerships LLC (PPL) and the 4 regional partners to be Chinese American Planning Council, Concepts of Independence, Consumer Directed Choices and Angels in Your Home. An additional 30 agencies will serve as facilitators to ensure specialized, multilingual, culturally sensitive home care is easily accessible for CDPAP users across the state.

  2. The transition process is expected to take place over the next 6 months and will ensure home care consumers and caregivers are protected. Full implementation is expected to go into effect by April 2025.  

The transition process will include:

  • Direct in-person and virtual meetings with home care users and caregivers throughout the State.

  • Coordination with disability and senior advocacy groups

  • Open dialogue with elected officials across the State

  • Ongoing review by State officials to ensure the needs of home care users and caregivers are thoroughly addressed before the new statewide partnership takes effect

  • Multilingual, accessible communications plan through print, digital, and social media to ensure consumers and caregivers understand the new CDPAP program

Want to stay updated on upcoming changes to NY consumer directed care/CDPAP?